april 11, 2018

Security Assertion Markup Language (SAML) and Microsoft Azure

The other day i received a question of setting up a Single Sign-On (SSO) solution for one of their corporate business (web-)application. SSO has been around for a while and the way to implement it, as far as i remember, is in combination with Active Directory […]
juni 19, 2018

Beket Consultancy bestaat één jaar!

Vandaag precies een jaar geleden heb ik besloten om als ZZP’er verder te gaan onder de naam Beket Consultancy. Een belangrijke mijlpaal om even bij stil te staan natuurlijk!   De 10 jaar vóór Beket Consultancy   Gedurende deze periode was ik werkzaam in de detachering […]
juni 30, 2018

Microsoft Action Pack

Recently i’ve been looking for the possibility of setting up my own lab environment. I deeply feel the need of a lab, so i can troubleshoot certain (customer) issues and of course get familiar with new products and/or features. Correct me if I’m wrong but our […]